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(Fashion, Food, and everything Fabulous)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

coca light VS diet coke

I am obsessed with Coca Light.  Not Diet Coke, but Coca Light. And yes, there is a difference.  Apparently, Coca Light is not sold in the US or the UK due to a ban on cyclamate, a type of artificial sweeter.  My roommate and dear friend Vivian is convinced that the European version of sugar-free Coke is addicting.  While I'm not sure I'd go as far as to say that I am addicted, the availability of Coca Light in my daily life is perfectly lined up with the first and only time I have ever actually craved soda.  I found an article in the new york times that elaborates on the issue.  


  1. Addiction was a term used to describe a devotion, attachment, dedication, inclination, etc

    Your attachment to Coca light (ie including it in your life on a daily/or near daily basis) makes you addicted to it. All the addiction stuff aside tho, the taste of Coca light is uncomparable to Diet Coke, they are literally two different sodas, just like Coke Zero taste unlike the other two.

  2. i got addicted to coca light in nicaragua. it is wayyyy better than regular coke or diet coke.
